Remembering Nariman papa – part 5

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Roj Mahrespand Mah Ardibehesht, 1382 Yz.

My annual summer and winter vacations continued with Nariman papa through those years. After my Navar, papa was insistent that I should also go through the Maratab ceremony. After some persuasion, I went through the Maratab in 1985. Meanwhile, papa’s age finally began catching up with him. All those years of hard work and endless cycling between Valsad and Tithal took their toll on him. He began getting increasingly out of breath while cycling up ...

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Remembering Nariman papa – part 3

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Roj Gosh Mah Fravardin, 1382 Yz.

Read the first part of my tribute to my grandfather here.

Read the second part of my tribute to my grandfather here. We now continue further.

A short time later, my mother became pregnant and I was born in October 1970, the first grandchild in the Vagchhipawalla family. I was got to Valsad when I was only a few days old as per ...

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Remembering Nariman papa – part 2

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Roj Marespand Mah Dae, 1381 Yz.

Today, 12th June is the English death anniversary of Nariman Vaghchhipawala.

Sometime later the rented house had to be vacated. There was no way Nariman could afford a new house. By a stroke of luck, a plot of land at the end of Parsiwad, with a thatched hut belonging to one of his regular clients was spotted. After some discussions, the plot was taken and the family shifted to the small thatched hut, with no flooring ...

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Remembering Nariman papa – part 1

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Roj Ashishvangh Mah Dae, 1381 Yz.

Yesterday, Roj Din Mah Dae was the 20th death anniversary of my maternal grandfather, Nariman Dinshahji Vagchhipawala. It is an apt occasion to remember him and present before readers of Frashogard some insights in to his life and the influence he had on shaping me into what I am today.

Nariman papa was born on Roj Khorshed Mah Amardad, 1917 in to a large, but poor family in Valsad, Gujarat. One of many siblings, Nariman was ...

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